Second International Conference on
Heritage, Innovation and Transformation

7-9 February, 2025
Mahendranagar, Nepal

Organised by:

Organizing Partner:

conference partners

Call for Proposal/Abstract (Closed)

Proposals in any fields related to the above themes are invited for (a) stand-alone papers, (b) panels (comprising of 3-4 papers), (c) posters, and (d) films. Academics and researchers at any stage of their career are welcome to submit proposal (abstracts) of studies at an advanced stage or that have been recently completed. The language of the conference will primarily be English. The conference will mostly be run in a hybrid mode, allowing international presenters and participants to join some sessions online.

Other highlights

  • Policy-round tables
  • Keynotes and invited lectures/presentations
  • Student-focused sessions

Please submit an abstract not exceeding 300 words for the individual papers using the abstract submission format. Panel proposal should include the name of the conveners, title and brief description of the panel, and abstracts of the individual papers (each not exceeding 300 words). Abstracts should include research objectives, methods, engagement to literature and contributions, and provide the outline/structure of the papers, on the basis of which the paper will be assessed by our organising scientific committee .The application (abstract submission) form can be found here (Word, PDF). Submissions are to be emailed to the organizing scientific committee at:

Registration for presenters and participants: January 11-February 1, 2025

Conference Fees: the conference will be conducted both physically and virtually. The conference presenters (panel, paper, poster or film0 will need to register within the deadline paying the following fees:
Professionals ( Outside South Asia)USD 10USD 30
Professionals ( Nepal and South Asia)NRs 500NRs 2000
Bank Name: Nepal Bank Limited
Branch: Mahendranagar
Account No: 156001073636000001
*This is to cover the cost of lunch and tea, coffee. Students presenters registration fee could be waived on a case-by-case basis.


Submission of Proposal/Abstract:

January 15, 2025

Notification of Acceptance:

January 20,2025

Registration for presenters and participants:

January 16-February 1, 2025


7-9 February, 2025