


News Detail

  • By / Super Admin
  • Feb 9, 2025

MOU Among Far Western University, Mid-West University, Nepal Open University, Purbanchal University and Lumbini Technological University

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made among theabove-mentioned universities of Nepal to promote academic and researchcollaborations. The universities agree to cooperate based on equality andmutual benefit in the following areas:


·      programs.

·      development.

·       ·      programs.

·       information.

·      projects.

·       Hostingacademicmeetingsandconferences.

Thetermsofmutualassistance,financialresponsibilities,andrelatedactivitiesofprogramstobeimplemented following this MOU will bemutually discussed and agreed upon in writing by the parties prior to theinitiation. This MOU may be modified through mutual discussion and writtenconsent of the partners.

This MOU shall remain in effect for a five-year term fromthe signing date and be automatically renewed every fiveyearsunlessany issue arises.TerminationoftheMOUshallrequireaminimumofsix months’ writtennotice inadvance. If this MOU is terminated, neither partner shall be liable forany monetary or other losses which may result. Activities in progress at thetime of termination of this MOU shall be permitted to conclude as plannedunless otherwise agreed.